Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2/365: Dodging for the First Time

Even though I have owned Photoshop Elements since 2005, I had never taken advantage of the advanced features it is capable of. Last year, I followed one of Jessica Sprague's tutorials and learned how to use layers for Digital Scrapbooking. The problem with written tutorials is they are often hard to follow. Enter the Video Generation and Youtube, where video tutorials abound.

This evening, I took the following picture of some prairie grass as the sun set. I had limited time and only snapped one exposure:

The grass is underexposed, so I thought I would try to dodge some of the detail out. I found an excellent video tutorial on YouTube, produced by "photoshopkid" [the things kids are into these days!] and dodged for the first time.

I'm sure this won't win any photo contests, but I like the results (I cropped it, too):

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