Thursday, March 12, 2009

74/365: New Camera Toy

I ordered a remote control for my camera and it arrived today. I had some fun playing around with it.

Even though it's not much bigger than my thumb, and probably cost $.50 to make, it's a pretty handy gadget, especially when taking pictures of oneself.

Oops, I pre-focused this one, and nothing was in the focus area. So we have remote control bokeh.

The remote, in action!

Erica said I was a complete nerd for getting so excited about my new toy. Hey, what does she know? When it comes time for our yearly family picture, she won't have to watch me use the self-timer and run around. I bet she'll even want to push the button!


Amy March 13, 2009 at 3:16 PM  

Oh, I want a wireless remote for my camera! Very cool! :)

Terri G. March 15, 2009 at 10:17 AM  

Lucky you! A wireless remote is on my wish list! Have dfun with your new toy!

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