Friday, March 27, 2009

Photo linking again

The last post showed how to enlarge a picture that was uploaded via the Blogger upload image process. When enlarging, the pictures lost detail.
When a Blogger user uploads pictures, a Picasa Web album is automatically created for each blog the user authors. The user can access this Web album by navigating to their Blogger Dashboard and selecting the My Account link. Under My Products, there will be a listing for Picasa Albums.

I'll link those two pictures again, this time using the Picasa Web album link, but adjusting the Width from Auto to 80% because the auto width seems to spill out the sides of my blog layout and I really don't like that. Also, for the vertical pictures, I set the width to 75% so the picture isn't so big:

From Test Blog

From Test Blog

Medium size

From Test Blog


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