Sunday, January 4, 2009

7/365: The Start of Something.... well, just not right

I had another picture taken for today's Project 365 selection - a fairly mundane one of the boys playing the Wii. (One of the concepts around Project 365 is to capture the "every day" aspects of your life - kids playing video games certainly fits that concept).

But instead, we have this stool - a stool that Scott purchased at a Wal-Mart wannabe store (you know, the small town store that only exists because the real Wal-Mart is 25 miles away). A stool destined for the GARAGE, not the KITCHEN. [I'm not knocking John Deere, either. John Deere is a very nice company that makes nice lawn equipment - emphasis on the LAWN part]

The stool is in the kitchen because the kids have taken a liking to it and its functionality - it allows them to sit and eat at the kitchen island. So until I go out and purchase some more appropriate stools (I'm thinking two), the vinyl-chrome-clearly-doesn't-match-the-rest-of-the-house decor stool is going to stay in the kitchen. Yee-Ha!

I guess it's incentive for me to find some decent stools, quickly. I'll definitely take a picture of the replacement stools. (And maybe JD in his real environment - the GARAGE)


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