Monday, January 12, 2009

White Balance Preset

I also posted this on my personal blog, and since it is photography related, thought I would post here, too.

Today's photography lesson - using the White Balance Preset on my camera. I even read the manual for the instructions on how to do this. I used White / Black / Grey / RAW Grey Card I had (taken out of my How - To - PSE 4.0 book by Scott Kelby).

Picture of the card, using Auto White Balance. Ugg - This has never been the D70's strong suite. Yeah, it is supposed to be white, black, grey and light grey.

Still using AWB, a picture of my CK magazine that arrived in the mail:

Then, I set the White Balance Preset, using the RAW White Balance section (a really light grey), then took the pictures again, with far better results:

See, the colors are right!

Now, setting the WB preset can take time and sometimes you just don't have time. This is why I shoot in RAW and adjust the WB in my Post processing step. In fact, I had to adjust many of the other pictures. I'm pretty sure the AWB has improved on the latest Nikon cameras, so I'll enjoy it when I finally buy that D300.


Liz January 13, 2009 at 12:16 PM  

Oooh, good information! I tried this as well, but I think the room I was in was so dark that it had trouble setting the white balance off my sheet of white paper. I want to try this again with more light!

~ (Synapse)

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